
Friday, 29 October 2010


A delayed start to the holiday. Our airbus A380 was late in getting in so at I can test out my blogging skills from the phone.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.4

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

publisher.prefix is required

pkg.depotd: repository configuration error: publisher.prefix is required

Standing a new IPS server , don't forget to set the publisher.prefix. A lot of blog posts and doco pre-dates this addition

pfexec svccfg -s pkg/server "setprop pkg/port=10000"
pfexec svccfg -s pkg/server "setprop pkg/inst_root=/export/ipsrepo"
pkgsend -s file:///export/ipsrepo create-repository --set-property publisher.prefix=myrepo
pfexec svcadm enable pkg/server
pfexec svcadm restart pkg/server

Tick with no Toc

I've had an ongoing long running battle at a place of employment trying to get the folks that look after the user accounts to understand the difference between non login accounts, lock accounts, and accounts with expired passwords specifically the impact that has on Solaris Cron.
Well notch one up to the good guys I think I had a win today, and it reminded me of this post from Glenn Brunette

Transmission resumed

Ok a transmission revisit. Everything has been going along mostly ok with my previous transmission setup. It does however have the annoying habit of just no longer accepting request at random intervals, which franky is a pain especial since flexget has worked out so well. It's still running on OpenSolaris as I have not moved to Nexenta. So I rebuilt the packages and updated to version 2.10. I have put together some IPS packages for transmission 2.10 and libevent 1.4.13. If there is any interest I can open up my IPS server or drop them somewhere more accessible. They Should run on Open Indiana also.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Blogger driod test

Intent is to publish updates of the next trip on here to keep every one up to date on what is happening so I need to test some software.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.3

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

A quick sidestep as I needed to get some files up to share with my sister in-law so I thought I'd enable dropbox on this new desktop. Documented here as there seems to be some disparate inaccurate bits of info

sudo add-apt-repository "deb lucid main"
sudo apt-key adv –keyserver –recv-keys 5044912E
sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get install nautilus-dropbox

I'm becoming familiar now with apt, and while I'm missing zfs and IPS from Opensolaris I must say as an end user desktop I'm pretty happy with Ubuntu and the integration with the rest of the world.

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Moving an iscsi zvol to a new pool

Been working on fixing my 4K sector disk write performance issue, will post something on that later. So I have create a new zpool and after zfs send | zfs receive on the various zfs volumes and filesystem I was left to figure out how to move my iscsi guid's as follows

sbdadm list-lu

Found 4 LU(s)

-------------------------------- ------------------- ----------------
600144f03048810000004c356bc50001 21474836480 /dev/zvol/rdsk/lake/iscsi/windows2008
600144f03048810000004c74b73f0001 10737418240 /dev/zvol/rdsk/lake/iscsi/sol10
600144f03048810000004c90909d0001 10737418240 /dev/zvol/rdsk/lake/iscsi/winxp
600144f03048810000004c91cc540002 21474836480 /dev/zvol/rdsk/lake/iscsi/sol10u9

So these four have been moved to a new zpool so I tried delete-lu and import-lu

stmfadm delete-lu 600144f03048810000004c90909d0001
stmfadm import-lu /dev/zvol/rdsk/lake2/iscsi/winxp
stmfadm: meta file error

Hmmm not what was after but try this on instead using the guid allocated previously

stmfadm create-lu --lu-prop guid=600144f03048810000004c90909d0001 /dev/zvol/rdsk/lake2/iscsi/winxp
Logical unit created: 600144F03048810000004C90909D0001
stmfadm add-view 600144F03048810000004C90909D0001

Done works the Virtual box machine this is attached to runs no problems

Thursday, 9 September 2010

Oracle Solaris download from OTN with wget

Solaris 10 Update 9 recently announced and I believe this is the first release under the new stewardship. For the first time last month I received an email from my ISP saying I was getting close to my peak download limit, so I am making concerted effort to download in my off-peak time.

So I need to automate the download of recent Solaris release from OTN. Drop this wget incantation into an at job and we are off.

wget -v -c --no-check-certificate "" -o getsolarisx86.log &

Replace with your remoteIP address and the same for your OTN username and password and you should be in business.

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

In bed with the devil

Inspired by the recent events of some ex NP MP's siding with the ALP, I too have been inspired to move from my Opensolaris (RIP) desktop to Ubuntu.

I've never been a huge fan of packaging systems as no matter which you use each has it's own failings and misgiving. If there is one thing worse than a packaging system it's the dependency hell that is a Linux distro, so I'll give the Ubuntu one a crack. While it's been sometime since I used such a distro in real anger recent involvement in this area with my paying job has shown that the issue has not gotten any better.

So first cab of the rank is getting Virtualbox installed
  • Add the repository
sudo add-apt-repository "deb lucid non-free"
  • Add the key Oracle public key
wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -
  • Update apt-get
sudo apt-get update
  • and Finally install
sudo apt-get install virtualbox-3.2

Not bad only 8 other packages I needed to make this install happen and get VirtualBox 3.2.8 r64453 .

Next on the list I need to move my VM's onto my new desktop.

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Ergfit Race 2

Last weekend saw the running of Race 2 of the Ergfit indoor Regatta. Yours truly tiped in with a PB time of 1:33.7 in the 500m event, .9 second quicker than race one. Aiming for a 1:32 so some work still to be done.

Friday, 9 April 2010

Daemon gear

Moving right along in the continued migration to transmission, its in and running in deamon mode on the command line, flexget is in and tested. Just need to add flexget to cron and make sure transmission-deamon starts at system bootup. Ok SMF script needed, being an inherently lazy unix guy , I'll just google that and and yes number one with the bullet I find this over on thanks to wonko. A quick mod on the TRANSMISSION_HOME to suit my local setup and and transmission-daemon is running from SMF. flexget cronjob added all should be good to go. I'll wait an hour let the cron job run it's course and see what we get.

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Egg head

Ok I'm a total Python newbie. I need to install flexget to use with my new transmission setup, it's a python based app and comes as an .egg file. Seems the best way to install these is with something call easy_install.
pkg search -l easy_install
Shows easy_install is part of the python setup tools package. So just go ahead and install that.
pfexec pkg install pkg:/library/python-2/setuptools-26
Then use easy_install to install the flexget along with all it's dependencies.
pfexec easy_install
I'm going to be using the transmissionrpc module so I need to install that to.
pfexec easy_install transmissionrpc
Thats it done, flexget installed. Check out the flexget site to configure it for your needs.

Changing Torrent

I'm going to be offloading my torrents to my soon to be new headless file server so changes are needed. I've been using vuze since long before it was vuze, and have a nice comfortable setup. I guess my requirements have changed a little, I don't need fancy features now offered, I won't have the same luxurious memory setup as I currently have, I'm not found of it's remote interface and, as they say a change it as good as a holiday. Time to broaden my horizons . So what I need from a BT client
  • runs on OpenSolaris
  • operates headless
  • able to read and process rss feeds
  • and operate without constant fiddling

So I didn't look to hard, or broaden too much transmission is available for install as an IPS for OpenSolaris, I have also been able to compile a more recent version if required, it will operate headless, has what appears to be usable web interface if required. It does however weriously lacks and ability to read and parse rss feeds to bring the automation I need. Enter flexget, multipurpose automation tool, I'm not apposed to running to different pieces of software to do the job after all it was a plug in doing the work in vuze, and I am a unix guy.

So the plan, replace vuze with transmission and flexget.

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Test post from the office